San Cristobal's town hall. Where it all kicked off
San Cristobal De La Casas
San Cristobel is a small city located in the Mexican state of Chiapas. In 1994 a small guerilla band, called the Zapatistas, came to the World's attention when it took over San Cristobel along with other surrounding communities. They're goal was to politically unite the indigenous people of Chiapas, seperating them from the Mexican government and bringing in their own, unique voice to Mexico's political landscape. Led by pipe smoking Subcomandante Marcos, on the 1st January 1994 they read their proclamation of revolt to the World and then laid seige to a nearby military base, capturing weapons and releasing prisoners from Jails.
Charismatic leader of the Zapatistas Subcomandante Marcos
San Cristobal is a very touristy and friendly place to visit today and the perfect midway point to get from Guatemala to the Mayan ruins at Palenque. Whilst there, we visited Chamula a small indigenous town on the outskirts of San Christobal. There was a religous festival taking place and we were strictly told that taking photos of the church, the priests and the events would lead to imprisonment. Taking photos of local people without permission would lead to a punch in the face. The camera stayed in the bag for the majority of the duration of our visit, but even so, we managed to bang off a few photos while no-one was looking. He, he, he!!
The festival was absolutely brilliant actually and was an amazing insight into their local lives and customs. Fireworks were being let off constantly and whilst in the church we saw the locals offering drinks and chickens to their God. Outside, the local people were playing music and getting absolutely pissed on fire water (ponch), which they happily shared with us as long as we drank it down in one gulp. It's made from sugar cane and although strong tasted OK.
Afterwards our guide to us to a local home where we saw the family making dresses and fabrics and were treated to try their local food. An amazing day.
Mother and daughter making their fabrics
The Chiapas family cooking
Simple food but tasted wondeful
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